How to clean the pool water filter: Step-by-step

Astra Aspasia
4 min readFeb 14, 2020
How to clean the pool water filter

If there is a pool in your home or business, we are sure that you will be interested in this topic. Knowing how to clean the pool water filter pumps is advantageous because that way your pool will be free of bacteria. Raw water brings impurities and particles that can make you sick if they lodge in your mucous membranes. So pay attention to this post so that it is well documented.

To talk about pool maintenance is to talk about a large number of models and sizes. And each model has different filter systems due to the capacity of the pool and the preference of the owner. In this article we will show you the different types of filters that exist, and we will also tell you why it is important that they are clean.

What happens if I don’t know how to clean the pool water filter?

How to clean the pool water filter This is a matter that should not be taken lightly. We cannot say that we know how to clean the pool water filter if we do not know the model, the characteristics and how it works. In addition, many believe that cleaning a filter involves just wiping it. The truth is that it is much more than that and there are several techniques that we can apply

If we do not know how to do it, or we do not do it correctly, the safest thing is that it ends up damaging the filter. Our pool will always be dirty, even if we don’t perceive it. Something else that can happen is that we acquire some type of fungus on the skin, give us an infection in the ears or eyes. So let’s start talking in depth about this topic.

Before, we recommend you watch the following YouTube video related to cleaning pool filters:

Types of filters for pools

Knowing the alternatives we have to know how to clean the pool water filter is vital. There are at least 3 types of pool filters:

sand filters,

cartridge filters

diotome filters.

Each one is different, and they are cleaned in different ways, of course their effectiveness varies according to what we need.
Sand, cartridge and diotome filters

Sand filters are the most popular and commercial because they require less maintenance, it is certainly an advantage. The fact that you use sand to filter is ingenious because the planet’s natural system is copied. The system consists of the water circulating through the sand inside the filter

The cartridge filters. These filters, as their name says, are based on replaceable cartridges. They are easy to clean filters, a cartridge can last up to a year, but only if it is done weekly maintenance. The cartridge is made of manufactured material, that is the basis of the filtration.

diatom filters. Diatoms are fossilized microscopic beings that act as filtering agents, with unprecedented efficacy. They work as micro-sponges, letting the water pass and containing dirt that is not even visible to the human eye. Being such an infallible system, its cost is obviously high, but it guarantees good results.

What filter to choose?

Although it is true that the quality of a product is important, it is not essential in this case. There are factors, such as the budget we have, the commitment to know how to clean the pool water filter and frequency. And most importantly, know which one is available in the place where we live.

To buy a filter, we must first know the capacity of the pool and the power of the pump. Based on these data, we proceed to choose the appropriate filter so that the filtration cycle is durable. As a suggestion, we recommend buying a filter above the capacity required by the pool and pump.

Let’s explain this a little better. If we conclude that we must buy a 15m3 / h filter, then let’s buy one with a larger capacity. Thus the years of life lengthen and the pump will work more smoothly. Even the pump should not be less than the capacity of the filter, because it will begin to work forced.
Filter efficiency

As we mentioned before, the filtering quality varies according to the filter installed. For example, diatom filters are the best because they filter particles of up to 7 microns. A big difference if we compare it with the cartridge and sand filter. These filter particles of 20 and 60 microns respectively.

To get an idea, let’s give an example, a grain of salt measures 100 microns. We are talking about something that is barely noticeable. In fact, the human eye is able to identify objects up to 35 microns. That is why we say that the diatom filter is very efficient, because it filters particles imperceptible to the human eye.

